Focused on Providing a Full Range of Energy Engineering Services
Lindsayca didn’t become experts by spreading ourselves thinly. We serve only the energy and electrical power generation industries, and that’s how we’ve grown to become the best in the business. Our expertise ranges from petroleum engineering consulting/services to pipeline engineering (and design). Whether you need process and facilities design work or specialty services like CFD and FEA, talk to us.
With You from Start to Finish
The engineering services we provide span the full scope of every project, from conceptualization and process design to final walkdowns and as-built surveys. That doesn’t mean we only handle the entire project though.
Our mission is to provide clients the services they need, so we’re organized for flexibility and agility. Whether the need is mechanical, electrical or control system design, or support with selecting and establishing an organizational structure, our engineering specialists can help.
Process Components or the Whole Plant
At Lindsayca, we specialize in modular process plant systems and components. We handle structural steelwork and pressure vessels as well as complex process units like slug catchers, separators and gas conditioners. Working with our partners, we engineer complete process facilities. Examples include compressor stations, stabilization plants and onshore and offshore handling systems.
For clients with preferred sources for key process equipment, we also provide balance of plant (BOP) engineering services. This can include storage facilities, refrigeration and even perimeter security systems. Engineering design isn’t the whole story either. We also offer engineering consulting services to help clients in the oil and gas industry solve challenging problems. We’ll even take on pipeline engineering (and design).
Team-Based and Flexible
No two projects are the same, so to provide our clients with the service they need, we’re organized for flexibility and responsiveness. Teams are pulled together to suit the specific size and nature of each project or assignment, with industry experts being assigned as appropriate.
To manage an unpredictable workload, we partner with other engineering organizations. These are providers of energy engineering services whose professionalism and capabilities we respect and trust. Like us, they’re experts in the oil and gas, electrical power generation and transmission industries.
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Reducing Risks and Downtime through Best-Practice Performance
Founded in 1995 through private equity and family ownership, Lindsayca has rapidly expanded initially in Venezuela, providing services to both state- and privately-owned clients in the upstream and downstream energy sector.