A Full-Service Facility Specializing in Structural Steelwork, Pipe and Pressure Vessel Fabrication and Pipeline Repair for the Energy Sectors
Fabrication is the heart of Lindsayca. Whether it’s structural steel, pipe fabrication or modularized and skid-mounted separation or conditioning equipment, we can fabricate it.
Our 100,000-square-foot shop in Houston, Texas, undertakes every aspect of fabrication, from metal cutting and machining to welding and inspection. And because we handle the entire process—from design to delivery and installation—we’re able to build equipment customized to meet your needs.
ASME Certified
Our fabrication shop is ASME certified, both ‘U’ for pressure vessel fabrication, and ‘R’ for repair work.
ASME certification is difficult to get and hard to maintain, but it gives our clients peace of mind. That ‘U’ or ‘R’ stamp means we’ve designed-in an appropriate safety factor, our welders are Section IX certified, and we use only certified materials. It also requires we arrange third-party inspection and hydrostatic pressure testing.
Inspection Capabilities
Pressure vessel and pipe fabrication takes welding, and making quality welds takes great skill. That’s why inspection is a big part of ASME certification. At our Lindsayca plant in Houston, we have a full range of inspection technologies at our disposal.
These range from dye penetrant and magnetic particle to ultrasound and radiography. Whether we’re building a structural steel fabrication, a fuel gas skid or a condensate stabilizer, you can be sure of it being inspected appropriately
An Integrated Service
Some fabrication shops just fabricate. Here at Lindsayca, we provide a complete service, from concept design to delivery and installation. That tight integration of functions helps us do a more thorough job of meeting your needs. If you need a structural steel fabricator, we can do that. If you need highly engineered process equipment custom-fabricated to your needs, that’s where we excel.
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Reducing Risks and Downtime through Best-Practice Performance
Founded in 1995 through private equity and family ownership, Lindsayca has rapidly expanded initially in Venezuela, providing services to both state- and privately-owned clients in the upstream and downstream energy sector.