Operation and Maintenance
Reducing Risks and Downtime through Best-Practice Performance Management
Founded in 1995 through private equity and family ownership, Lindsayca has rapidly expanded initially in Venezuela, providing services to both state- and privately-owned clients in the upstream and downstream energy sector. The hard-working ethics of the owners and their values of excellence, safety and integrity have rapidly developed a strong professional organization with a proven track record of delivering quality projects within strict time, financial and regulatory requirements.
Reducing Downtime
Time-based planned maintenance schedules are still used by many energy companies. While better than no maintenance, they take little account of usage and service life and may lead to unexpected failure. With decades of experience in maintaining complex process equipment, we can help implement advanced monitoring and predictive systems to drive down failure rates and improve uptime.
When equipment goes down, it’s essential to minimize MTTR. Our proven approach to performance management drives out waste and inefficiency, and helps get equipment back in service quickly.
Managing Competency
Modern energy process facilities comprise a complex mix of fluid handling, control systems and instrumentation. Maintenance skills quickly go out of date and ongoing training is essential. With our competency assurance management services, we can help identify weaknesses and put together development programs. Together we can help your people achieve world-class levels of operational performance.
Risk Management Services
Breakdowns and failures can have sudden, and catastrophic, consequences. To avoid safety and environmental problems, plus the attendant negative publicity, facility operators must identify risks and develop mitigation plans.
At Lindsayca, our people have deep and broad energy operations experience. This makes them well qualified to lead formal risk assessment and risk mitigation efforts that reduce your company’s exposure.
Ensuring HSE/Regulatory Compliance
Ours is a tightly regulated industry and compliance is not optional. Most facility operators however want to do more than the legal minimum; they understand that running a safe, environmentally responsible operation is more than just a matter of ethics and morals, it’s good business too.
The industry experts here at Lindsayca are well-versed in the minutiae of operational responsibilities. They understand the constraints you must work within and can help you verify your compliance with all applicable rules. They’ll even help identify opportunities to do better so your performance metrics can continue to improve.
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Helping Improve Efficiency and Effectiveness
Energy is a tough industry. Competitive and fast-moving, it demands a relentless focus on costs and performance. Maintaining and improving operational efficiency and effectiveness depends on high quality Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) services.